Topographic correction with ATCOR-3

The elimination of topographic effects are an indispensable prerequisite for accurate and consistent reflectance retrieval in rugged or mountainous terrain.

Topographic correction of Worldview-2 with ATCOR-3

This example demonstrates the elimination of topographic effects with ATCOR-3 by means of a subset of a Worldview-2 scene acquired over Austria on August 30, 2015.

The top left image shows the original data (RGB= 830, 650, 550 nm), the top right the product after atmospheric and topographic compensation. The bottom right presents the elevation ranging fom 840 to 2750 m, and the bottom left the local solar zenith angle (white: surface normal pointing into the sun, black: shadows). Areas of extreme values of the local solar zenith angle are responsible for significant topographic compensation effects, as demonstrated by a comparison with the original scene.

Atmospheric / topographic correction

Elimination of atmospheric and illumination effects to retrieve physical parameters of the earth’s surface, i.e., the retrieval of surface spectral reflectance, emissivity and temperature. The ATCOR® products solve this task using look up tables calculated with the MODTRAN®5 radiative transfer code.

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